Nauczycielka Maria Werbik, VajraAcharya ZhiWu po intensywnym
treningu w Chinach w 2010 roku, otrzymała pozwolenie na nauczanie ezoterycznej
dharmy od swojego Mistrza MahaVairocana Dharma King Living Buddha Dechan
Maria jest jedyną polską nauczycielką w chińskiej
ezoterycznej szkole Mantrayany.
Mieszka w Kalifornii, kolo San Francisco, gdzie założyła ośrodek
medytacji ezoterycznej Diamond Yoga
Dharma Center. Maria uczy 6 Medytacji Rodziny Lotosu, fundacje Zen oraz Prajna
Akasagarbha (Akasha Yoga), która uważana jest za piata fundacje Zen oraz
kluczowa praktykę do osiągnięcia oświecenia.
Maria Werbik, ordinate Vajracharya in Hanmi Esoteric School, Dharma/Meditation teacher, Buddhist Healer, Spiritual Coach, Head Teacher in Diamond Yoga Dharma Center:
“Just like our eyes can not see themselves without the mirror, our mind can not perceive itself without the method. This method of knowing your mind and working with your resistant mind is called meditation. Knowing yourself is wisdom, changing yourself is a spiritual transformation.
Since 18 years old I’ve been following path of Self-Cultivation using time proven practice of Taoist Immortals and Buddhist monks. I found these meditation techniques the most reliable and effective tools for spiritual transformation. I have learnt ancient dharma from Enlightened Masters in Korean and Chinese monasteries attending 100 days intense retreats, some of them silent. I lived many years in Zen centers and sangha communities in Poland and United States.
I would like to share my 35 years experience of following Buddhist path with open minded people who are genuinely interested in spiritual attainment on personal level which naturally contributes to the evolution of the planetary consciousness.”
Maria shares her passion for meditation and interest in Buddhist teaching, by leading silent retreats, meditation classes and workshops, conducting mantric healing for group and individuals, guiding on spiritual path and coaching with heart and compassion.
Maria teaches time proven methods of knowing yourself, changing yourself, and helping others, that calls Bodhisattva's way:
“Esoteric dharma passed to us through unbroken lineage of enlightened masters enable diligent practitioner to attain to the highest potential in this life time, in present body. This attainment comes with the perfect freedom, true wisdom and unlimited compassion.
Perfect freedom is a freedom from three bonds: karma - cause and effect, maya - veil of illusion, and anawa - ego identity, ignorant views.
True wisdom comes from the connection to the divine and nature.
Unlimited compassion develops when wisdom of emptiness: impermanence, non-duality, and equanimity of all and everything is reveled. Only then heart and mind join as one.”
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